Positioned in Rest

Over the past 4 years God has been speaking to me about rest. Although I pursue this, I still feel like I have by no means arrived fully in the understanding of this concept. Performance, obligation to work hard all the time, show up etc. still bombard my thoughts and sometimes my actions. However, I’ve learned that it’s about the journey we are on and even though I have not “arrived” I have grown in this area and will continue to grow because there is so much to discover in the mystery of who God is.

We have already entered into the new Jewish year 5872. This year is known as the year of Sabbath or Rest. During a 7th year the Israelites weren’t supposed to plant anything in the fields, the land needed to rest from producing a harvest.

Join me on this journey of understanding rest, let us look at the Hebrew definition of 5872. Each number is connected to a letter in the Hebrew alphabet.

5 – HEY – a window, behold, to reveal, inspiration, what comes forth
7 – ZAYIN – a sword, weapon to cut off.
80 – PEY – mouth, to speak a word, open
2 – BET – tent, house, in- into, household, family

HEY – 5

The meaning of the name “Hey” is “look,” or “behold!”

I just love this letter of the Hebrew alphabet. According to the Jewish mystics, Hey represents the divine breath, revelation, and light (the word “light” is mentioned five times on the first day of creation (Gen. 1:3-4), which is said to correspond to the letter Hey.

Since the numerical value of Hey is five, it therefore also corresponds on a physical level to the five fingers, the five senses, and the five dimensions as well as to the five levels of soul:

  • Nefesh – instincts
  • Ruach – emotions
  • Neshamah – mind
  • Chayah – bridge to transcendence
  • Yechidah – oneness

Hey represents God’s Creative Power, its through the breath of God that we are alive, without breath there is no voice, no sound, no life. We can see this even in the very name of YHVH. The name YHVH represents the breath YOD breath in HEY breath out VAV breath in HEY breath out. Your very breath is His name. God’s breath is His creative Power. Every time you breath out you release Him, when you breath in you receive Him.
Hey is a picture of the presence of God within the human heart, the breath and the life in the blood.


The pictograph for Zayin looks like a sword, weapon to cut off. In classical Hebrew script Zayin is considered a “crowned” Vav. Just as Vav represents “yashar,” straight light from God to man, so Zayin can represents returning light back to God from man.

  • 7 represents the number of completions, wholeness and rest it is of seen as the number of blessing.
  • We are in a 7th year – Shemitah – the land must rest.
  • Zayin and Remembrance
    The word time (zman) in Hebrew begins with Zayin, as does the word zacher (remember) and zicharon (remembrance).

Memory is connected to time, learning to live in the now time is very important, but more on this later. We need time to function in this realm of the physical, however when we allow ourselves to sit in His rest we sit outside of time and space.

If we can allow ourselves to sit in rest, we can bring Heaven to earth. Spirit to the flesh.

PEY – 80

The letter Pey has a pictograph of a mouth. Very important when we think of the letter Hey mentioned earlier meaning breath. We need the mouth with the breath so, by extension, “word,” “expression,” “vocalization,” “speech,” and “breath.”

The number 80 is the same value found in the words *yesod (foundation)* and gevurah (strength).  Strongs 3247.

Why is this so significant?

When we learn to sit in the stillness of His rest we have influence in the foundation, the Yesod (foundation of the earth). To build a house, you need a strong foundation, allowing yourself to come into rest causes you to create a strong foundation to build upon.

BET – 2

The letter Bet has a pictograph of a house/ tent, entering into.

Entering into intimacy and oneness and Unity with who He is and who we are in Him. It’s the secret chamber of Love. Rest with your beloved causes you to know His heart. Once you know the heart of your beloved you enter into Glory and Glory flows out of you from Him.

Wow I’m blown away. God does everything with intention and purpose. It is no coincidence that the year of rest have the right numbers and letters that keep referring to coming into His rest.

Things grow while we rest or sleep. New leaves, new flowers, even our bodies heal during sleep and rest.

Psalm 4:8 ESV
In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.


As you enter the tent of intimacy and presence, may you become aware that your breath is one with the breath of the Spirit that gives you life. May your awareness to the fullness of the completed work inside of you be your expression.

Over the next couple of months, we will explore this as we go deeper into the understanding of His rest. This is and will always be the place He is calling you into.






  1. TanYah, your blog is full of the light, peace and love of Yahweh. Surely I have encountered his presence within the language of your heart. 🙌🏽

    • Thank you Tonya. May He continue to work through me to bless His and love on His people. 😊

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