1. Tishrei – Let us Partake

Have you ever had that feeling deep in your gut when something big is about to take place? It is that overwhelming feeling of excitement, anxiousness, bravery, and knowing your life is about to change kind of a feeling. This is exactly how I am feeling about this new season we are entering.

This year I have felt such an urgency to come into alignment with God and His appointed time. One of the ways we can align ourselves to God’s timing is by using anointing oils as an act of faith to pull our natural realm into alignment with what we feel in our spirit. God appointed times for Israel to celebrate different feast to come into a time with Him where He can accomplish something new in their lives. The feasts are called appointed times, they were not rituals to be followed.

We have entered the month of Tishrei, the first month of the new year in the Jewish civil calendar and the seventh month on the religious calendar. In the beginning of the new month we celebrate Rosh Hashanah or feast of Trumpets “the Head of the Year” as only one of the celebrations for the new Month Tishrei.

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This month have two meanings, the first one speaks of Blessings. We choose to step out of the past year, out of failure, loss, sin or whatever it might be into a Cycle of new Blessings from God.


Will you choose to accept the truth about God’s blessings for your life. So often we walk in fear, unbelieve, and disbelieve that God chooses to bless us. That His desire for us is to live a life in His Fullness, not a measure we feel we deserve. Choosing to receive blessing means you must think differently about yourself and about God.

The second one is Cycle of Redemption – Jesus Christ rescues us from sin and the effect sin has and restores us to our original purpose. Seven signifies completion or fullness. A month where things are completing, and things are beginning.


Jesus Christ sacrifice on the Cross completely accomplished everything you need, from redemption, to healing, to overcoming. This act cannot be more completed than what it already been completed. His Sacrifice is completely completed for you. To believe in this completed work, means you must receive the full inheritance that comes with it. Will you choose to discover what this inheritance is for you?

In John 17:22 Jesus says to the Father, “I have given them the glory You have given me, so that they may be one as we are one.”
Every good thing Jesus received in the glory, He gave to us so that we will fully understand and KNOW him.
“For the full content of divine nature lives in Christ, in his humanity, and you have been given full life in union with him. He is supreme over every spiritual ruler and authority”. Colossians 2:9-10

This brings me to the oil for the month, celebrating the Divine Nature of Christ and partaking of His divine nature.


You were given fullness of Christ through the resurrection. He did not give you a part of himself, he gave you all of himself.

  • To believe in the resurrection of Christ and not receive the identity or the inheritance he gave you is only a measured believe.  Believing in Christ resurrection but not moving from that spot only keeps you at the cross and gets you into heaven, right? That is good but it is not enough, when there is SO MUCH MORE for you.

  • To be a partaker means to receive Jesus Christ inside of you as the big, resourceful, powerful, strong, kind, loving, overcoming, I AM.

  • To become a partaker of His divine nature means face to face in intimacy with Him. He gave you the door to come as close as you want. He wants you right in His heart.

  • To be a partaker means to merge belief and faith and then expand and dream into how big He is.

  • To be a partaker means to come into covenant with Him.

Divine Nature Anointing oil ingredients:

  • Acacia – Anointing for the image of Christ – Atzei Shittim in Hebrew, “the acacias” it also means the last place the Jewish people camped before crossing the Jordan. It reminds us to cross over from our past into Christ.
  • Agarwood – Anointing for maturity and obedience – this speaks of Yeshua coming to His maturity of age and starting His earthly ministry
  • Henna – Anointing for the covering of the Blood of Christ
  • Coriander – Anointing for the Word of God and Revelation – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. John1:1

Use the Divine Nature oil as an act of faith, here is a prayer and prophetic declaration you can speak over yourself while using the oil.

LET’S PROPHECY: I step under the covering of the Blood of Christ into the DNA of the Truth of the Word that was in the beginning. Let the truth of the word rise up inside of me changing my very DNA into the DNA of Christ Jesus, I choose to step into the Image of Christ as I cross over from my past through Christ into my future, I will rise into the maturity of my mantle and calling and I will become a mover and shaker for the Kingdom of God.

PRAYER: Father thank you for creating me in your perfect love. Thank you that you chose me before I chose you. I know that through scripture and the resurrection of Christ, you Father gave me full access to the Glory of Christ divine nature. I do not always know how to access this full life or perfect union in Christ therefore, as an act of faith I anoint myself in surrender to your fullness inside me.  I surrender my spirit to you now to awaken every part of me, to become more aware of Christ divine nature. I search out the deeper mysteries of His light and to understand all authority given to me by Christ. Sharpen my discernment and my hearing to be more in alignment with your will for my life. Thank you, Father for such a simple and tangible act like anointing oil to move my faith and my belief into one accord. Amen.

Have a super blessed month