The Story of Unveiled Essence

Don’t you just love the AHA moments in your life? You know those moments when you can hear all of heaven clapping hands and cheering you on because you finally saw what God was trying to reveal to you over the past 10 months.

Many of the prophetic oils and perfumes I create are based on my story, my journey, my many moments of revelation. Now you might seem to think so how is this relevant to you when it’s about me. You see it is about you as well because my journey is to discover all of Christ and by doing so, I discover all of me. Christ in me, Christ in YOU!

I’ve dreamed of Unveiled Essence as a business for many years, the excitement of starting this journey barely got me thinking of the process of starting a business (I’m kind of a jump off the hill and fly kind of girl if my wings don’t open and I crash I’ll get up again), that’s what I did with starting Unveiled Essence, jumped and now I’m flying. It might sometimes be a one-wing flight but none the less it’s up high.

Let me tell you a little about how I decided on the name of the company. I believe in flowing and sensing in my spirit what “feels” right. Life isn’t always about endless prayer and waiting and waiting and waiting on the Lord. (More about this teaching later) I had an idea of what I wanted the name to represent, fragrance, revealing Christ, journey, and discovery. On a road trip down to Florida, Google became my friend. Searching for a domain name to create my website. Typing in different words and going down the list of possible options. I would say yes maybe that could work, no, oh no definitely not. No, no, YES!! Unveiled Essence just felt right, and it was available. Now you might think that’s not very spiritual, well you’re right it might not be, However GOD is in EVERYTHING, and this was God even if I didn’t realize or understand the full extent of it at the time. I started building the website in 2019 and launched the site around September 2019.

At the start of 2021, I was talking to God during a time of contemplation and dreaming and thinking of the company and where God wanted me to go. I heard Him ask: “So why Unveiled Essence?”

ME: I don’t know God it was a name available for a website, You know God how difficult it is to find names for websites, most of them are taken already.

GOD: “And why did you choose a Magnolia flower for your logo?”

ME: Well I’m not sure I just really like the smell of them and the elegance of the flower and that’s what I wanted to portray.

GOD: Maybe you should dig a little deeper and find out.

As my friend would say: “the plot thickens”. I love research and digging deep to find Christ in the mysteries He hides for us to discover, not from us but for us.

May my journey help you discover how real, authentic, organic, powerful, and wonderful you are. It sure made me discover that UNVEILED ESSENCE is my life story and God led me to this powerful truth of who I am.


“We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit”. 2 Corinthians 3:18

2 Corinthians 3:18 is also used as an allegory of a mind not blinded but disposed to perceive the glorious majesty of Christ.

Anakaluptó is the Greek word for Unveil – Strongs: 601 apokalýptō (from 575 /apó, “away from” and 2572 /kalýptō, “to cover”) – properly, uncover, revealing what is hidden (veiled, obstructed), especially its inner make-up; (figuratively) to make plain (manifest), particularly what is immaterial (invisible).

Throughout this year the Lord kept revealing to me the word Perception. We perceive life through how we were raised, traumas, religion, and society in general. But when we learn to investigate the Unveiled Mirror/Face we see His reflection. We see eyes burning with deep love, acceptance, and belonging for us. We see the truth, not the truth you were taught by man but a burning revelation of transformation. You start questioning every belief system you ever had when you look into His eyes.

It’s a place where you can no longer live hidden for you are a new creation, with a new heart.

And I shall give to you a new heart and a new spirit I shall put within you, and I shall remove the heart of stone from your flesh and I shall give to you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

This is the new Covenant

“But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” says the Lord, “I will put My law within them and will write it on their hearts, and I will write in on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. Jeremiah 31:33

What is the Veil? 

But their minds were hardened. For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains un-lifted, because only through Christ is it taken away. 2 Corinthians 3:14

Your flesh, natural man, ego man. The one we try and satisfy in every possible way.

For God has unveiled them and revealed them to us through the [Holy] Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things [diligently], even [sounding and measuring] the [profound] depths of God [the divine counsels and things far beyond human understanding]. 1 Chor. 2:10

It’s only when we allow ourselves to stare into the mirror that we pass the veil of the flesh into our spirit. Our light is chosen out of Christ born from above. A process of constant unveiling. We don’t look at ourselves in the mirror once in a lifetime we look into the mirror daily. What have discovered today about yourself that’s been unveiled? Searching out the mysteries of who you are in Christ.


The English word essence is derived from the Greek adjective ousia, “being, substance.” Essence means “inner nature, true substance, a person’s qualities or attributes.”

The Hebrew word Davar means “word,” and it also means “thing.” Words are the creative energy of the world. God spoke, and through words brought the universe into being.

The Hebrew word דבר (davar, Strong’s #1697) demonstrates an interesting aspect of Hebrew thought.

This Hebrew word is also frequently translated as “thing,” such as we can see in Numbers 18:7 where it says, “all the things of the altar.” In the Hebrew mind, “words” are “things,” they have just as much substance as any other “thing.” But in the Hebrew mind words cannot be taken back as they have already been spoken. Jeff.A Benner

It directly correlates to Yeshua for it is the Hebrew equivalent to “Logos” found in John chapter 1. In Hebrew John 1: 1 read, “Bereishit hayah hadavar. V’davar haya et haElohim, vElohim hayah hadavar.” In the beginning, was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Yeshua is Hadavar Elohim, “The Word of God.”

Something so interesting to be seen here. The Hebrew word for “wilderness” is Midvar. Davar is the root word for Midvar. Notice that the last three consonants of Midvar are the same as the three consonants of Davar.

Yeshua at the end of the 40 days of testing in the Midvar (wilderness) is confronted by Satan. Three times Satan tries to tempt Yeshua. Yeshua responds only one way. He uses Hadavar Elohim (the Word of God). Which book does Yeshua quote from all three times? Davarim (the fifth book of the Torah)

I believe there are also Hebrew associations. Yeshua is the Davar of God because He both speaks and does the will of the Father. The word promise becomes reality.


Going to tell you a story of one of my encounters with Jesus. Now you are not allowed to laugh … ok you allowed to laugh I did!

One day while having a deep conversation with Jesus about how I feel. I’m always stuck and not moving forward. I felt like I did a lot of work to heal from past traumas and somehow felt like I was going around the same mountain. I just sat with Jesus while He was gently stroking my hand, I said what’s the point of all of this?

Are you ready for His big, very deep, revelatory answer?

He said: “To reveal Me!”

That’s it there you have it the whole point of life is revealing Him. I sat there for a moment and my first thought was well Jesus that’s obvious. But then His words hit me so deeply as if someone just punched me in the stomach and I fell weeping in His arms.

You see I think for a very long time I kept looking at what I still need to achieve, what I haven’t done right, what breakthroughs have not come through yet and I kept looking at what I still need to work through to become perfect for Him. I didn’t realize that I was thinking like that because in my knowing, He’s already made us perfect in Him.

But at that moment, I realized it’s not about what I haven’t achieved it’s about what I have achieved. I just came out of a marriage of rejection, lies, betrayal, and abuse, but I was still standing, I was able to take care of myself in a different country far from my family, I had a career I love. What Jesus was trying to show me is that sometimes breakthroughs and revelations are a journey a process of walking out and through breakthrough a lifestyle of breakthrough. Not the fairy godmother that swirls around her little magic wand and turns your pumpkin into a carriage, and mice into horses.

What have you succeeded in now? What new revelation of who Jesus Christ is have you learned now? What part of identity in Him have you discovered today? When we only want the big things, we miss the deep true mysteries in our now moments because we are not present in our now we want to stay in the future of hoping for the one day…

Unveiled Essence became my life story. If I choose to look into the mirror every day with unveiled face, I recognize more and more of Him. I see the Glory of the substance revealed in my life, I can then be the mirror for others to find Him. When you choose to look into the mirror with unveiled flesh, not through the eyes of trauma, or eyes of judgment, not through your past or your future, you see Him fresh every day new and it’s for this minute, hour, day.


The Magnolia Flower represents the bride. The Hebrew word for Bride is Kallah derived from Kalal – meaning to complete, perfect, or to make perfect.

  • Hebrew word for Magnolia has a Numerical value of 144 = 1+4+4 = 9
  • Hebrew word for Rose has a Numerical value of 527 = 5+2+7 = 5+9
  • Hebrew word for Bride is Kallah and has a Numerical value of 55 = 5+30+20
  • Hebrew word for Bridegroom is Chatan with a numerical value of 488 = 4+8+8 =23 and 2+3=5

When adding the numbers we end up with both the words for Bride and Groom that have the number 5, while both Magnolia and Rose have numbers of 9.

5 speaks of Grace and Favor

9 speaks of Visitation.

Prophetic application: This is an invitation to a higher level of intimacy with Christ. Ascend into His love, answer the call to go with Him.

My beloved answered, and he said to me: arise, for you, my intimate one, you are beautiful. Song of Solomon 2:10

Some versions say my beautiful one, come with me.

In conclusion, you have a story to tell that someone else needs to hear, for them to breakthrough. When you unveil yourself, you become the mirror for them to see Christ. Unveil to the truth of who He created you to be.

Thank you for following our story as it unveils.

If you would like to buy our Magnolia Rose perfume click here or on the image.