12. Shivan – Ruach

“The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life [which inspires me]. Job 33:4


We have entered the month of the Spirit. The Hebrew word for Spirit is Ruach.

Definition: of breath, wind, spirit (Strong’s 7307). Let us look at what Ruach means in Hebrew – רוּחַ

ר – Resh

Pictograph – The image of the head of a man. The head of man could represent the head of the house or chief, the top, or the beginning, meaning to lead someone.

Numerical value – 200 will often be reduced back to single digits. Therefore, same as Beyt 2.

וּ – Vav

Pictograph – Is a man as a tent peg securing the heaven and earth connection. Tent pegs are used to secure the dwelling place. Vav represents the breath of YHVH. It’s the connecting place of man’s breath with God’s breath.

Numerical value – 6 represents man.

חַ – Hey

Pictograph – It’s a pictograph of a man with his arms raised up as if in worship. This letter means to look or to behold. Probably one of my favorite Hebrew letters. Hey is one of the letters of God’s name YHVH. It’s His breath in us. We become what we behold. His breath in us, we breathe His breath out.

Numerical value – 5 is the number of grace and favor. It is found 318 times in the bible.

Your Portion

To be the house that carries the breath connecting heaven and earth. 

The earth was [c]formless and void or a waste and emptiness, and darkness was upon the face of the deep [primeval ocean that covered the unformed earth]. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:2

Whenever we connect to the Ruach of God, we engage with the creative activity of God. The power released by the breath/spirit with limitless possibilities or potentials. We create from many different places within ourselves.

Awareness should be practiced to discover which realm we are creating from, from our traumas or lies, or from Rest and peace.

Throughout Scripture, we read that the Spirit of Elohim came upon them to create or to speak a word from His mouth. Holy Spirit was poured out during this time as a first fruit after the resurrection for man to be awakened to their oneness with the creative power of God. We were created in His likeness and His image.

When clarity comes, we will move from the realm of the more. The realm of infinite potential, co-creating with YHVH heart and not our own.

We may understand Ruach as the author of the energy force of the created Word and the One that imparts life to the entire universe.