Redemption – גְאוּלָה

Over the years I have discovered such richness not only on the Hebrew language, but also in engaging in the living letters of God. As each letter comes forth manifesting The WORD, LOGOS of God. Learning how to engage, allows a deeper understanding in the anointing oils. Our intentions are set on the living word manifested through us.

I will attempt in my mere words to bring more understanding and depth to why I so deeply love the anointing oils. How you can use them as a gateway into deeper Rest in Christ.

This month we are celebrating Passover. If you have not read my blog yet you can find it here: Nissan

What better oil to dig into than the prophetic blend redemption.

The Hebrew word redemption is, gā’al let’s look at each letter and see the connection between the letters and redemption.

Gimel –

  • The pictograph is a camel who carries the supply of heaven. A bountiful supply, of resources.
  • Join to the letter of completion. Earth to heaven supply, and heaven to earth.
  • 3rd letter represents divine fullness and perfection and completeness.
  • Passover, Pentecost, and tabernacles, spirit soul and body 1 Thes.5:23
  • Hebrews 13:20 Christ our treasure.

Aleph –

  • This is a silent letter.
  • It is the quiet strength and stillness of the inner core connecting heaven and earth.
  • It means ox and ox represents strength or burden being carried.
  • Stillness of the inner core connection, this is your inward gaze for an outward manifestation. When it is used as prefix in verbs it means “I will”. Connect your will to the will of Christ.
  • First letter of the alphabet with numerical value of 1. One represents unity or that which is first. God being the first. Allowing yourself to bow down to the sound, the breath, and frequency of the One God.

Vav –

  • Is the tent peg. Securing your heaven and earth connection.
  • It is the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Six represents man.
  • Vav, is considered to be an extension of the letter Yud, the line connecting the dot. Line from heaven to earth, connecting the dots. This Vav connects words as well as creating unity.
  • It is a letter Used in YHVH name. The Vav is the connection of Yaweh’s breath in us as we become His outbreath. The living being now the outbreath of the likeness and Image of its creator. It’s a descending and ascending letter
  • It is also a nail peg keeping the tent secure and grounded you in the truth of Yaweh. It takes a nail to connect two things.

Lamed –

  • Is the 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet with a numerical value of 30. With a pictograph of a staff or ox goad. It is a symbol of authority, leadership.
  • It is a dedicated age of rulership and the same age priest was established in rulership.
  • The age of Jesus ministry started at the age of 30. It speaks of maturity of heart. A heart that understands true knowledge, humming to action through faith. Titus 1:16 says faith without action is no faith at all.
  • The heart is ruling the house. Heart connection is spirit connection this is the leading of the spirit of the mature sons of God. Through understanding and knowledge of the truth of God that motivates us to move further. Beyond salvation to Union with God.

Hey –

  • Is the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
  • Hey, the pictograph of the letter Hey is a man with His hands raised up as if in worship. When the letter hey is placed at the end of a word like in this case of redemption then it means “what come from”
  • It also means to behold or to look at.
  • Hey is also the divine connection with the breath of God. When we come from beholding the breath of YHVH, we recognize our existence can only be found in Him. every part of us fully redeemed comes forth into resurrected life through the divine power of His living breath.

Prophetic connection of redemption to the Hebrew word:

Submitting your will in union with the One God, will bring forth from heaven to earth the power and a multitude of supply and resources. When you find stillness in your inner most core, you will discover the beauty of connection to inward rest and outward manifestation. Rising fully secured in the knowledge and breath of YHVH. Maturing in heart to be led through faith into action. You will rule over the house as a son through the divine power given to you all pertaining to life in Christ Jesus.

This connection is resurrected life, fully redeemed and alive. Learning this place of redemption is your inheritance. The outbreath of the abundance in Christ came to give unto you.

Next week we will look at a Pillar of Rest – Redemption, so stay tuned. If you want to receive this right into your inbox, then please sign up below. If you would like to purchase the Anointing oil for Redemption the click here: Redemption.