13. Pillars of Rest – Time

Ever said one of the following statements?

I don’t have enough time! Time flies! Time is dragging out!

I wish the season would end, can’t wait for winter to be over. Tomorrow is another day!

Einstein determined in the Special Theory of Relativity, that time is relative—in other words, the rate at which time passes depends on your frame of reference.

This is very true when you become aware of how you view your day, and activities. Some days seem slower than others but are they really or do we determine the day according to our perception.

If you’ve been following this series on rest, you would have noticed I use this word often, “Perception”. We create through perception. This is one of strongest tools we use to create our reality. Our perception of how we see time is how we approach time.

Time according to Hebrew understanding.

The modern western mind views time as linear with a beginning and an end.

Time is not linear it is circular. A clock is not a timeline but a circle for the simple reason that time does not begin or stop, it continues without beginning or end. In the same fashion days and years are also circular. Jeff A. Benner

When our awareness is on the body and mind, time becomes a linear dimension, trapping us between birth and death.

When our awareness is outside of time and space – the place we know God dwells – then our time is circular. There is no beginning or end to God. Time is an outward explosion.

We need time to function in this realm of the physical, however when we allow ourselves to sit in His rest we sit outside of time and space.

Time and Rest

Rest free’s us from the constraint of time. When we allow ourselves to move into the Rests of God, we step into His time which has no beginning or end.  Therefore, we effect time outside time.

Think of it like this, if you throw a rock into a pool of water you can see the ripples echo from that place of impact. In the same way sitting in the rest of God is our impact zone and the rest ripples as an overflow into our time in the natural realm.

Why are we subject to time? Because we are looking at it in a linear perspective. When we yield to the rest of God we abide in stillness where time has no effect on us.

For He says, “At the acceptable time (the time of grace) I listened to you. And I helped you on the day of salvation.” Behold, now is “the acceptable time,” behold, now is “the day of salvation” 2 Corinthians 6:2

Now Time

Memories are connected to time. If you have a memory that you are thinking of in this moment, then you are reliving that memory now. You’re not living it in your past. The past no longer exists because you are no longer there.

But thinking of this now you are reliving it in your now moment. The bible speaks about renewing our minds. This is very important because of Now time. Are you new in your now moment?

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. Hebrew 11:1

In this scripture it says Now faith is assurance, your now moment needs new fresh faith for this time! Now healing, now joy, now freedom, etc.

Time is complete

The Hebrew letter Zayin is the 7th letter in the alphabet. It represents completion. The day of Rest after the completion of work. Not only did God see the perfection of Adam on the 7th day He also saw the completed work of the cross. Redemption was completed on the same day as Adam was created. Jesus was crucified at the foundation of the world. Therefore, time was redeemed at that moment. We step into perfect time when we step into Christ.

Your past was paid for by the cross. Focus on the completed work of the cross that redeemed our trauma, our memories, our time. Everything was redeemed by the blood.

It’s not about having time, it’s about making time, it’s all about perspective how we created time.

Listen to your words when you are speaking of time. You have perfect time, enough time, time works for you and not against you, all the time in the world.

You can allow yourself time to rest in Him, His timing is perfect in your life. What you sow you reap. If we sow time, we will reap time. Sowing time in rest allows us to reap time in rest.

Please leave a comment below👇👇 I would love to hear your revelation on time.






  1. Thank you so much for reminding the bride of this truth! Yahweh has set us free… Completely! Fully! Which includes freedom from time too! We are no longer prisoners bound by time, we are set free from the curse that limits us from leading a life filled with expansion… Let us instead choose to rest in our timeless God and continue to expand our lives from His perspective!

    • Timeless God!! Love that. I will expand a little more in the next blog. This topic is so great when we learn to yield to it. Love you.

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