12. Pillars of Rest – Spirit to Spirit

We have dealt with a lot of different aspects of our lives that should come into the place of rest. Most of the things I’ve been writing about is connected to bringing our soul dimension into the rest of the Lord. I believe that the chaos we often experience is connected to the soul.

As humans we are at war with ourselves. The constant battle between spirit, soul, and body. Our soul and body dimension should be servants to our spirit. Do you know your spirit? Do you know the difference when you’re listening to your spirit or to your soul?

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Are you living from the inside out or from the outside in? What reality is more real to you?

Inner you and outer you

“That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” John 3:6

In a previous blog I spoke about Trusting in God. Recently I had a conversation with a friend that struggled to trust. While ministering to her I realized she doesn’t even trust herself. There is no trust, that she knows her own spirit, hears Holy Spirit, or moves in the authority to co-create with God.

But the one who is united and joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17

What happens in the natural realm is usually a reflection of what’s happening in the spirit realm, if it’s hard to trust your spirit then it probably will be hard to trust the leading of Holy Spirit.

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in Spirit and in truth. John 4:24

There are two significant things about this scripture.

  1. God is spirit therefore we need to have a relationship with God in our spirit. It’s a spirit-to-spirit connection. I’ve often heard statements like I don’t feel God, He must not be present or not listening. This will be a huge mistake to believe. This statement would mean that God is only present when you feel Him, this is an emotional connection not a spiritual one. Scripture clearly states that God is all present and we cannot flee from His presence. Psalm 139: 7-10
  2. This scripture says that we must worship God in truth. If we lack truth in any area, we cannot worship Him in it. For example, trusting our own spirit connection to Him or believing our worth, how much we are loved and accepted by Him. How can He be worshiped as the God of love if we can’t believe it or receive it?

If you allow yourself to connect to your inner man / spirit you learn to live from the light of truth. This is living from the inside out. The Kingdom of God is inside of you (Luke 17:20-21). When you learn to connect to your spirit you can find the stillness inside of you. Your spirit is connected to the Rest of the Lord. Sitting inside your spirit is sitting in Stillness.


God works in unity. When things are in balance, we can see His glory unveiled to us. Some examples of not being in unity with yourself or separated from yourself through self-hatred, self-rejection, self-condemnation, self-accusation, self disapproval, guilt, a poor self-image and a low self-esteem.

How can we bring ourselves back to into unity? Aligning our spirit, soul, and body in the right order. Here’s a short little prayer.

Body I honor you as being a good servant to my soul and spirit.

Soul I honor you as being a good servant to my body and spirit.

Spirit I honor you as the leader of soul and body. Spirit I call you forward and invite you to connect with Holy Spirit to see and hear what Holy Spirit is saying and to translate that back to my soul and body for manifestation on the earth.

This prayer is only an example of what you could do. Allow yourself to add more as you learn to connect to your whole being.

A very important thing to take note of is that the prayer is an invitation not a command. With love for all your parts gently coach them into the right place. You will achieve more through an invitation than a command.

Expanded Spirit.

Expanding your spirit is an exciting part once you awaken to this.  So the deeper your understand goes that the spirit realm is more real than the earthly realm the more you can connect spirit-to-spirit.

If you limit yourself, you limit God. The more you learn to expand the more God can fill you up with Him. To seek after God, in the right way, through your spirit, is easier and more natural than breathing.

Turning inward not to receive things from God or ask for anything but just to sit in silence and allow yourself to be still. This is the place of rest, expansion, and more. This is a place where the spirit is void of all elementary controls and patterns of human construct.


  1. Holy Spirit I thank You for unveiling this truth trough Tan-Yah, for equipping her with wisdom to denote your truth that give life, release light and bind us deeper in Your love. You are amazing!

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