16. Month of AV – Observer Effect

We have entered the month of Av. This month is the eleventh month in the Jewish civil calendar and the fifth month of the religious calendar.

Even though the month of Av is considered one of the three negative months of the year, it is only part negative. The other half is also one of the most joyous parts of the year.

Some facts about the month of AV

On the first day of the month Aaron the First High Priest passed away.

The ninth day of AV “Tishah B’Av” is a traditional day of mourning in Judaism, for the destruction of the First and Second Temples.

Av, literally means “father.” Hebrew letters Aleph-Beht. The month is also sometimes referred to as Menachem Av. Menachem means “comforter”. Because this month is associated with many tragic events, we can always look at Father for comfort.

We are going on a little journey, come along?

Let us look at the science. So, I know very little about science unless it is about the science of art or anointing oil. However, this concept of Quantum Mechanics intrigued me for years. I will try to explain it in my not-so-scientific language and what science has to do with this month of AV.

We all have an understanding, that all matter vibrates and vibrations can be measured in waves. Two scientists Louis De Broglie and Erwin Schrodinger used two fundamentally different mathematical approaches to prove the wave-like nature of matter. They did an experiment called the observer effect.

Quantum Mechanics states that particles can also behave as waves.

When behaving as waves, electrons can simultaneously pass through several openings in a barrier and then meet again on the other side. This meeting is known as interference. Now, the most absurd thing about this phenomenon is that it can only occur when no one is observing it. Once an observer begins to watch the particles going through the opening, the obtained image changes dramatically:

When a quantum ‘observer’ is watching.

Scientists built a tiny device, less than one micron in size, that had a barrier with two openings. They then sent a current of electrons towards the barrier. They placed an “observer” to watch the electrons.

Apart from “observing,” or detecting the electrons, the detector had no effect on the current. Even so, the scientist found that the presence of the “observer” changed the interference pattern of the waves going through the opening.

In fact, this effect was dependent on the “amount” of observation: when the level of the observation went up, the interference weakened; in contrast, when the observation slackened, the interference increased. Thus, by controlling the properties of the quantum observer, the scientists managed to control the extent of its influence on the electrons’ behavior! You can read more here: www.scienceabc.com

What are you observing?

In this experiment, the particle waves react according to the observer. This month of Av is full of sorrow and joy, the reality of the wavelength is affected by you the observer. The choice is to transition from mourning to celebration. Not, denying the one or the other but moving through.

Every month has a different energy, and it helps to know what that specific energy is. The question for this month is can we be the observer of both sorrow and joy? Abiding in rest as the observer can change the outcome of the wavelength.

Your Portion

You have a choice to be the observer. You can either observe the reality you are sitting in now or be the observer of Father’s heart and draw from that wave to cause a ripple effect of change in your life.

I recently took part in an art show. I worked months on this show and spent a lot of money and time to get everything ready in time. However, I walked away very disappointed in the outcome. In the following week, I sat in the quiet place of my heart. Now I have a choice. I can either continue to sit in the disappointment or I can become an observer of my current situation and allow the wave to change into what I desire for it. If I just sit the wave will continue to flow in disappointment. If I allow myself to sit in my disappointment and observe it, draw from the Comforter Father I can create a new wave.

Your Portion

Allow yourself to sit in the moment of darkness and be at peace with it, not fearful or defeated but in Rest. From this place, you can draw emotion from a previous victorious moment, for example, abundance, breakthrough, joy, hope, etc. Allow the beautiful emotions to be over the darkness until light fills your being.

Next week I will continue deeper on this thought. Do not miss out, sign up for my newsletter here:


Lots of Love and Blessings