3. Kislev – Light Carrier

We have entered Kislev, the third month in the Jewish civil calendar and the ninth month on the religious calendar.

I am super excited to share the Oil for this month, it is one of my favorite oils to use (I probably say that about all of them).

This is the month where the Jewish people celebrate Chanukah. The message of Chanukah is the eternal power of light. It Celebrates the Miracle of the Oil. When Jews sought to light the Temple menorah after the war, they found only one small jug of pure oil. Miraculously, the one-day supply burned for eight days, and the sages instituted the eight-day festival of Chanukah.
I mentioned earlier that this month is either the third or ninth month in the Jewish calendar.

3×3 = 9

The number 3 represents Divine fullness and perfection. Gimel represents a camel in Hebrew and signifies to be lifted up, to be glorified or elevated to a position of authority. It is the number of fullness, perfection, or completeness.


Jesus Christ was raised on the third day into Glorious resurrected life. He had no sign of death on him not even the smell of death. His work on the cross was perfected for you, completed for you and now you can receive the fullness, in order for you to be lifted up, elevated and be glorified through Him.
“And the Chief Shepherd (Christ) appear, you will receive the [conqueror’s] unfading crown of Glory”. 1 Peter 5:4

The number 9 speaks of God’s “visitation”. In Hebraism this is a picture of God as an Investigator “visiting” a person, city, or a nation to expose the hearts, gather evidence, and “see” firsthand, as it were, the truth of a matter. It is much like a divine court case where the evidence is uncovered and presented to the judge for judgment.


Not only is 9 a triple portion of the number 3 but it also reinforces that God will search out everything in us that’s not supposed to be there. Why? Because He wants to fill your heart with the FULLNESS of who He is. Will you allow him to let the light shine in all the dark places of your life to expose the lies of the enemy and bring forth miraculous living oil, like the miracle after the war in the temple.

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This brings me to the oil of the month. Almond oil. The Hebrew word for Almond is “shakeid” meaning to be watchful or wake. It is also a well-known symbol of resurrection because it is the first tree to flower, it can sometimes even blossom while snow is present. We therefore prophetically declare the awakening of the watchmen.

The best-known reference to the almond is Aaron’s rod that budded (Numbers 17). 

The almond motif was part of the divine design for the lampstand in the tabernacle (Exodus 25:33-34, 37:19-20). Moses was instructed to make the bowls of the lampstand in the shape of the almond flower. The buds and fruits were also to be present.

In Jeremiah 1:11. “The word of the Lord came to me: ‘What do you see, Jeremiah?’ ‘I see the branch of an almond tree’, I replied.” The Lord said to me: “You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it”.

As we look at these three scriptures, we see the supernatural power of God in the symbol portrayed by the Almond.


  • Allow God to awaken you to the truths of His word as He is watching to perform the word He declared over your life.
  • By faith anoint yourself as a declaration that you have been grafted into the supernatural power of His light.
  • As you step into this place of Light you become the lampstand that burns with the oil of His anointing becoming the light to the world.


Father of everlasting light, I embrace your visitation, to see into my heart and to expose all darkness. I choose to empty myself from all lies, for my whole being to be illuminated and enlightened by You. Awaken my spirit to the core of who I am as I choose to become the light carrier, the Glory carrier representing your Son to the world.

Until next month, Be light!

P.S Don’t forget to leave a comment I would love to hear from you.

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