9. Coriander Anointing

The oil for this month of Iyar is Coriander. Manna was likened to Coriander and also represents The Word. This anointing is a prophetic act to receive the revelation of the word.

Let us look at the Hebrew letters for more revelation, understanding, truth, and manifestation. The Hebrew word for Coriander is Kus’barah – – כוסברה 


Pictograph – The pictograph for the letter Kaf is the palm of a hand. It is a calling forth and manifesting potential through the blessing of the laying on of hands by the Father.

Numerical value – 11 Most often, eleven has negative connotations. The full redemption and entry into the “Land” is connected to the number eleven, but also what prevents entry. Rebellion and lack of trust in YHVH


Pictograph – Is a man as a tent peg securing the heaven and earth connection. Tent pegs are used to secure a dwelling place. Vav represents the breath of YHVH. It’s the connecting place of man’s breath with God’s breath.

Numerical value – 6 represents man.


Pictograph – Looks like a shield. The meaning of this letter is “to support or to lean upon”. Because the letter is written in a circular form, it is often thought of as the never-ending spiral of God’s glory in the universe.

Numerical value – 60. Some sages have noticed that it is the same number value of the priestly blessing found in Numbers 6:23-27


Pictograph – This represents a house or a dwelling place. The letter is constructed with three Vav’s. The roof, the side, and the foundation.

Numerical value – 2 could mean opposites, communion, it can mean both division and two sides of the same coin.


Pictograph – The image of the head of a man. The head of man could represent the head of the house or chief, the top, or the beginning. Meaning to lead someone.

Numerical value – 200 will often be reduced back to single digits. Therefore same as Beyt 2.


Pictograph – It’s a pictograph of a man with his arms raised up as if in worship. This letter means to look or to behold. Hey is probably one of my favorite Hebrew letters. Hey is one of the letters of God’s name YHVH. It’s His breath in us. We become what we behold. His breath in us, we breathe His breath out.

Numerical value – 5 is the number of grace and favor. It is found 318 times in the bible.


Through the blessing of the hand of the Father, He called you forth into a glorious manifestation into the land. You are the connection point between heaven and earth as He breathes new life into you. Behold the carrier of His never-ending manifested Glory. A dwelling place to lead others back to His love through His grace and favor.




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