15. Tammuz – Inner Temple

I had such a hard time writing this weeks blog, not because I don’t know what to write. I’m focusing on an upcoming exhibit and working hard to complete artwork, frames and more.  It suddenly dawned on me that what…

14. Tammuz – One God

The month, Tammuz is the tenth month in the Jewish civil calendar and the fourth month of the religious calendar. Historically, this month is full of tragedies, just to mention a few. 9 Tammuz: Jerusalem walls breached by Nebuchadnezzar II…

13. Ruach prophetic blend

Ruach perfume and the prophetic blend was the very first blend I created. During a season in my life, three things stood out to me. The Lampstand Fire Air or breath. One of the commands the Lord gave the Israelites…

12. Shivan – Ruach

“The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life [which inspires me]. Job 33:4   We have entered the month of the Spirit. The Hebrew word for Spirit is Ruach. Definition: of breath, wind, spirit…

10. What is it?

We are still discussing the month of Iyar. Let’s do a little deeper dive into the manna. The word Manna (Hebrew word man or man-hu) means “What is it” In the previous blog, I mentioned that manna fell from heaven…

9. Coriander Anointing

The oil for this month of Iyar is Coriander. Manna was likened to Coriander and also represents The Word. This anointing is a prophetic act to receive the revelation of the word. Let us look at the Hebrew letters for…