4. Tevet – Living under His Shadow

We have entered Tevet, the fourth month in the Jewish civil calendar and the tenth month on the religious calendar.

The name Tevet, was acquired in Babylonia, and shares a root with the Hebrew word tov, meaning “good.”

On 8 Tevet the Torah translation into Greek was completed. Ptolemy ordered the translation of the Torah into Greek for his library. This was a complete failure in translation. Why? Ptolemy wanted to give everyone access to Torah by reducing the Spiritual God-given book to the understanding of a human mind.

Hebrew letters, also called living letters, can be translated into many interpretations of the word. The goal is to present us with a way of life; one that will change us and take us to unknown places – God’s infinity. Revelation of the word deals with a world far beyond the limitations of human observation or understanding. Translating it into only one interpretation severely limits us from understanding the Infinite God.


By allowing God to show you a new truth about His scripture, gives you an opportunity to go beyond your own human limitations and allows your spirit to express truth. So often we only look at what is wrong with us, allow yourself in this month, which means “good”, to let go of all perceptions of who you think you are and look deeper into your redeemed self. This is a time of returning to truth and redefining who God says you are.
“The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned”. 1 Corinthians 2:14


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The second in the month of Tevet celebrates Esther entering the king’s palace as a young virgin to prepare for the king.

Esther was a young Jewish woman living in exile in the Persian displacement.
“She was taken to King Xerxes in the royal palace in the tenth month, the month of Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign”. Esther 2:16

Esther’s Hebrew name was Hadassah which is the feminine form of the word for myrtle, a plant that has a resonance with the idea of hope.

When Esther entered the King’s palace, her perception of herself needed to be transformed, her viewpoint needed to change before her reality could change. She could no longer see herself as an ordinary woman living in exile – scared for her life, she needed to fit in with a King. With that responsibility, came the discovery of her own authority. Living in exile you have little to no authority but living as royalty you rule and reign.
“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:7

Allow God to change this for you. You are more than what you were born into. By changing how you see yourself will ultimately change how you walk in victory, ruling and reigning.
However, many of us walk around in the Throne Room wearing royal robes but have the mentality of an exiled citizen, under the oppression of our perceptions and beliefs of the lies we are being fed, by others, ourselves, our circumstances, or the enemy.

Just like Esther’s viewpoint of herself and her position that changed from exiled to royalty, so too you have been redeemed from fearing God to being in His Royal Throne Room.


This brings me to the oil for the month Myrtle – Divine Covering
Like I said earlier Hadas in Hebrew, means “myrtle” also means Hadassah the Jewish name for Esther. The Name of the Lord will cover you.
“Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up. These events will bring great honor to the LORD’s name; they will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.” Isaiah 55:13

The moment you discover truth about yourself, you bring great honor to the Lord for you are created in His likeness.


Myrtle trees grow up to look like an umbrella canopy, therefore you step under the covering of His Name, here is where you will find him in the shadows, the quiet places. If you allow His light to guide you in these hidden, dark and quiet places, you will find your true self.
“He who dwells in shelter of the Most High will abide in shadow of the Almighty”. Psalm 91:1

Prayer and Declaration:

Father, thank you that I am no longer living in exile, but I am found in the Royal Throne Room of Your heart.
I anoint myself with Myrtle as a prophetic act as I step under the Divine covering of Your Name. I choose to abide in the Shadow of the Almighty and I will no longer fear the darkness, for my authority is in Christ Jesus the victor over everything evil.
I invite my spirit to respond to Your invitation Father, into my true nature, calling and purpose. And I give myself permission to live in this place of continual transformation until I no longer look, smell, sound like someone in exile, but I will be like Esther and rise to the occasion.
