4. Pillars of Rest – Trust

In the previous blog I explained that we are in the year of Sabbath. If you would like to read it click here Positioned in Rest. Nothing is more important than understanding this mystery fully. 

I felt that Trust is a key component to Rest. Let’s think about this for a minute if God ordered them not to plant seeds for one year and allowing the soil to rest, they needed to Trust God for provision for that year and possibly the following year as well. There would have been no Crop to harvest, no food to sell, no income. Talk about living in faith. They probably would have saved the seed from the previous harvest for the next season.

Now I’m not saying quit your job, please don’t do that, and say Tan-Yah said it’s a year of Rest and not to work. 

Let me tell you about another experience in my life. My art has always been my source of income. I am truly blessed, being an artist in a town in South Africa that is not artistically inclined and still made a decent living, that is the grace of God.

Now being married to this amazing man who gives me so much love and freedom to just be me is another place of living in grace and favor. However, my Martha mind struggled with this concept of not really bringing in any finances for the house. I would punish myself for not working harder, making money and help provide for us. (Trust Me – is a daily thought I must take captive). 

At the beginning of the year, I asked God a question: “Why did I have so much provision in my art while I was in so much survival mode, and yet now that I’m walking in this place where total freedom is given to me, my art income seems to have dried up?”

I clearly heard Him say: “You need to understand a higher level of Grace and Trust”. huh!!🙃 

You see I knew that I’ve been struggling with the thought that I’m not bringing in finances, and sitting in front of a canvas with a mindset of… I’m going to paint this and then it’s going to sell and then I’ll bring money in. Yes, I know it sounds silly, but I did just that, and for some reason I could not get out of the thought pattern. Head knowledge and heart knowledge are two very different concepts.

Now I know why, it’s because I was striving and performing instead of trusting. Forcing the creative process instead of flowing in the process of Trust.

Often on my journey I hear His gentle voice: “Am I enough for you? If you had nothing, am I enough?” My answer is yes, but the follow through can be difficult. Making a very difficult decision, I made Him my everything and I let go of my art. It was hard for me to tell my husband thank you for this freedom to “work” from home but I’m no longer going to be doing that work. I’m going to stop!! Sweet loving amazing man… “Do what you need to do,” he said. 

We can say we trust God in everything, but do we truly know what that means for us. Do we understand the concept of letting go and see Him unveil new truth, elevate faith, and rely upon Him? Or is saying I trust God just lip service because it’s the right thing to say. 

Some thoughts 

  • Consciously letting go of wrong thought patterns and choosing to yield to rest will give you peace of mind to trust Him. He’s got your back, and if you fall, He will not leave you nor forsake you. But it will also help you to trust yourself because you have renewed your mind, you are a new creation and you’re living from a place of NEW, NOW.
  • When you must restart something, don’t fear failure. You are not starting from the beginning you are starting from experience. Trust will allow you to view the problem with fresh eyes and rest will allow you to flow differently.
  • Trusting yourself because He Trusts you more than what you often trust yourself.
  • Rest Allows you to reset back to a position of trust.

Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly! Psalm 37:5

If I can support, and help you in any way through this process please comment below, I would love to connect.






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